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Changes Coming to International Travel Authorizations

The University of Florida will be updating its travel authorization process effective Jan. 1, 2022, to ensure our process aligns with new legislation. While this process will be incorporated into a new system slated to launch next summer, an interim solution will be needed until that system is in place.

All UF faculty and staff who plan to travel internationally on university business on or after Jan. 1, 2022, will be asked to read and acknowledge applicable UF regulations, policies, and directives to adhere with this requirement.

Departments will be asked to ensure those traveling internationally on university business provide a signed acknowledgment, which will be attached to the international travel authorization in myUFL. Departments may use the template document that will be provided, or they may adapt existing documents to include the required language for ease of use with their unit’s processes.

The Division of Finance and Accounting, in partnership with UF Research’s RISC office, will be hosting an information session about this new requirement on Thursday, Dec. 2, at 10 a.m. This session will be held via Zoom, and you may register at https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAvc–qpzwrGdZb_5w2GTB7SUyLbeyv1xKl

This session will also be recorded and posted to the Finance and Accounting website after the event. If you have questions in the meantime, please email travel@ufl.edu.

Published: November 19th, 2021

Category: News