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Purchasing (and PCard) Recipient of the NPI AEP Award!

Congratulations to Purchasing for being winners of the National Procurement Institute 2014 Achievement of Excellence in Purchasing Award!

The National Procurement Institute congratulates the 199 agencies who earned the Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award for 2014. These recipients include:

  • 44 counties
  • 69 cities
  • 23 higher education agencies
  • 22 school districts
  • 33 special districts
  • and 8 state agencies

The award recognizes organizational excellence in procurement by measuring innovation, professionalism, e-procurement, productivity, and leadership attributes of the procurement function. AEP awardees obtain a high application score on a rating of standardized criteria.

The University of Florida is one of only 27 governmental agencies in Florida and one of only 23 higher education agencies in the United States to receive the award. This is the first award for the University of Florida.

Published: October 29th, 2014

Category: News